Complete Washroom Experience
Having a complete washroom experience is not only about providing cleanliness, but a coordinated product range which creates an attractive atmosphere that wakens your senses and cares about customer’s satisfaction.
Read MorePowerful things come in small packages
Intensify the fragrance of your Sanair. How can you enhance your Sanair and make it an ultimate solution against malodours?
Read MoreSanitary vending machines - Luxury or necessity?
Sanitary vending machines can become an essential item in your washroom.
Read MoreNew Tampax Compak Lites
New Tampax vending consumable designed for better protection and discretion. The new Tampax Compak Lites is perfect for lighter flow days and it provides protection for up to 8 hours.
Read MoreChrome dispenser range
Chrome dispensers across all our range - Elegant solutions for washrooms.For Saint Valentine's we announced the completion of our chrome dispenser range by launching the Microair cover.
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